12th Annual International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques
New Orleans, Louisiana, Sept.27-Oct.1, 2003
Donald Yeung (UMCP),
Dean Tullsen (UCSD),
and Steve Shih-wei Liao (Intel)
· Intended Audience
This tutorial is intended for university and industry computer
architects who are interested in recent research developments in
the area of Speculative Precomputation.
· Abstract
Speculative Precomputation, or pre-execution, is a new latency
tolerance technique that uses spare hardware contexts in a
multithreaded processor to accelerate the execution of a
single-threaded executable. It does this without offloading any of
the computation of the original program, in contast to traditional
parallelism. Speculative Precomputation executes code that
precomputes data in the spare contexts that allows the main program to
eliminate performance-degrading events, such as cache misses and
branch mispredictions. It typically does this by borrowing code from
the original program (using hand-coded, compiler driven, or automatic
techniques), allowing it to precompute or prefetch things that
traditional pattern based techniques for cache prefetching and branch
prediction cannot. The increasing availability of multithreaded
processors, coupled with the increasing importance of memory latencies
and branch mispredictions to processor performance, make these
techniques relevant and important. Researchers from both academia and
industry have recently proposed and evaluated various techniques in
this area. This tutorial covers several topics related to such recent
developments, including architecture support for executing speculative
threads, hardware and compiler techniques for extracting effective
precomputation code, and performance evaluation of Speculative
Precomputation systems on both simulators and silicon. In addition to
covering current techniques and performance, this tutorial will also
discuss the impact of Speculative Precomputation on processor and
compiler design developments in industry.
· Outline
· Introduction (slides)
· Architectural Support for Speculative Precomputation (slides)
o Integrating precomputation information into the main thread
o Register integration
o Dynamic Speculative Precomputation
o Monitoring and controlling speculative threads
o Support for spawning speculative threads
· Compiler Support for Speculative Precomputation (slides)
o Strategies for compiler-based Speculative Precomputation
o Compiler optimizations for precomputation code
o Exploiting speculation to increase aggressiveness of compiler optimizations
o Compiler implementation tradeoffs
· Speculative Precomputation: an industrial perspective (slides)
· Presenters' Bios
Donald Yeung received his Ph.D. in 1998 from the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, where he was a member of the MIT Alewife
Project. Currently, Dr. Yeung is an Assistant Professor in the
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the University of
Maryland at College Park, and co-directs the University of Maryland's
Systems and Computer Architecture Laboratory. His research interests
lie in the areas of computer architecture, performance evaluation of
computer systems, and the interaction of architectures, compilers, and
applications. Dr. Yeung is a recipient of an NSF Faculty Early
Career Development Award.
Dean Tullsen received his PhD. from the University of
Washington in 1996, where he did his dissertation on simultaneous
multithreading. He is an associate professor in the Computer Science
and Engineering department at UCSD. He co-directs the
High-performance Processor Architecture and Compilation Lab at UCSD.
His research interests are in high performance computer architecture,
including multithreading architectures, memory and cache subsystems,
and architecture-compiler interaction. He holds three patents in the
area of multithreading architectures. Dr. Tullsen is a recipient of
an NSF Faculty Early Career Development Award.
Steve Shih-wei Liao currently works in the Microprocessor
Research Group at Intel Labs. His research interests are in advanced
microarchitectures and compiler optimizations. He received his
B.S. degree from National Taiwan University, and M.S. and
Ph.D. degrees from Stanford University.
· Contact
Donald Yeung
1327 A. V. Williams
College Park, MD 20742
voice: (301) 405-3649
fax: (301) 314-9281